Author: Aaron

A lot of people nowadays blame the media for its negative influence on body image. They accuse the media of making people feel insecure and self-conscious about their physical appearance and body image. But is that actually true? My answer would have to be yes, and no. Because there is no denying the fact that the […]


“Aside from the fact that they say it’s unhealthy, my fat ain’t never been no trouble. Mens always have loved me. My kids ain’t never complained. Plus they’s fat.” ― Alice Walker Almost all fat people had experienced some form of discrimination because of their weight at some point in their lives, many have stated […]

Flawless Gene - Beauty is about having a pretty face [...]

Fasting has become quite popular the past few years. Initially it started as a dieting method or concept among the fitness and fat loss industry professionals, but has grown from there to mainstream for quite a number of reasons. Fat Loss Yes, fasting works to lose weight and fat, it works very well for that. […]


Make-up or no make-up, surgery or no surgery, hormones or no hormones, that is the question, natural or enhanced beauty, which is right and which is better? The right answer to this question is, there is no right answer. In fact, the whole concept of thinking one person could judge another on right or wrong […]


Flawless beauty, yes being flawless is beautiful, but does it even exist? The answer to that is actually, no. Nobody is truly flawless, as nature is chaos, and all natural things have a matter of chaos of flaws in them. We humans aren’t any different, despite the modern trend of people trying to get themselves […]
